Inspiring leadership: Branding to empower women and allies.

Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership

Creating Impact. 45th Simmons Leadership Conference

Our task

Brand Strategy, Digital Advertising, Digital Marketing, Event Marketing, SEO, Visual Identity, Website

Empowering over 115,000 women worldwide, the Simmons Leadership Conference aimed to extend its influence. Collaborating with the Institute for Inclusive Leadership at Simmons University, CviaD set out to revamp sales, marketing, and website strategies. Our objective was clear: elevate brand recognition, boost revenues, and drive attendance for the 45th annual event, while fostering brand ambassadorship for Simmons University and the Institute.

Simmons website example
Simmons email blasts
Simmons social ads

The CviaD team approached their work passionately and enthusiastically, demonstrating a deep commitment to our partnership. Their involvement served as a much-needed extension to our internal team. This synergy enhanced our outreach and engagement efforts for the Simmons Leadership Conference and gave us a beautiful polished look in the marketplace.

Kristen Palson, COO, Simmons University Institute for Inclusive Leadership and Simmons Leadership Conference Executive Producer

The results

CviaD pursued strategic sponsor and attendee relationships through a meticulously planned communications roadmap and messaging narrative. Targeted campaigns expanded the conference’s audience and strengthened existing ties. A refreshed conference brand, supported by cohesive visual design and compelling content, captured attention and encouraged engagement. Our digital advertising and analytics efforts, alongside detailed marketing communications planning, enabled real-time monitoring and continuous enhancement. The result? A conference that surpassed expectations, laying a strong groundwork for future expansion.

Simmons web stats
Live stage