A new vision for a 90 year old organization.
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation

Our task
Visual Identity, Website
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation (MTF) is the nationally-recognized, award-winning research organization providing accurate, unbiased research with balanced, thoughtful recommendations that strengthen the state’s finances and economy in order to foster the long-term well being of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
MTF needed a refreshed brand identity and website to re-engage Massachusetts residents, policy makers and the media. Compelling visuals, clear user pathways and intuitive navigation were needed to increase awareness and engagement in a secure environment. The outdated website was being used as a repository for the organization’s multitude of reports and news items. MTF needed a new website and upgraded CMS to serve as a more centralized tool for their expanding communications strategy and activities. Due to MTF’s limited resources, they approached CviaD to help determine a plan of action and implementation.

CviaD provided us with first-rate service and guidance in developing MTF’s new website. It is responsive to our organizational needs, intuitive for users, visually pleasing and well-thought out. CviaD’s guidance during the entire process was invaluable.
The results
CviaD led MTF through a comprehensive discovery process and strategy session that resulted in a refreshed logo and brand presence that carries through to a more engaging user interface. CviaD created a new site structure and features that allow MTF to more effectively highlight timely, relevant content, and to capture relationships between content items. In addition, prominent calls to action and easy access to the most sought after content, including improved features for filterable news, resources and publications were built in. CviaD modernized the site for an engaging, concierge-type experience to ensure that each type of user, from policy makers to members of the press to members of the public, is presented with content that is most urgent and relevant for them, and can easily find related content to browse, print, and share.